Thursday, January 28, 2010




编导Director: 韋納·何索(沃纳·赫尔佐格) Werner Herzog(德国)
主演: 克劳斯·金斯基(Klaus Kinski), Claudia Cardinale, José Lewgoy
类型: 剧情 Drama



在赫尔措格的坚持下,影片在秘鲁内陆的雨林实地拍摄,拍摄之初便卷入了当地土著部落的权利之争,而在丛林中还有军营、石油公司各种势力,拍摄所需物资全部空运至搭建的营地。影片缓慢的拍摄。五周后,就在影片完成40%的时候,影片主演Jason Robards因病退出剧组,饰演Fitzcarraldo伙伴Wilbur的滚石乐队(Rolling Stone)主唱Mick Jagger则投身新专辑发行和巡演。影片陷入遥遥无期的停机状态。


1942年9月5日誕生於德國南部巴伐利亞的首府慕尼黑,他的童年在偏遠山區的小鎮度過,那裡沒有電影、電視和電話。14歲起開始遠足,全靠自己的一雙腿。高中時期,他半工半讀,在鐵工廠當銲工。1961年,也就是19歲的時候,他完成了生平的第一部電影。到目前為止,他總共編導超過40部電影,出版十餘本散文,導演十多齣歌劇。韋納荷索最新的作品為2005年的《藍天之外》The Wild Blue Yonder。

荷索不只創作力十足,題材更是充滿挑戰性。即使他的作品成為全球各大國際影展的常客,在電影藝術的領域享有極高的聲譽,荷索卻堅持獨立製片的精神,電影創作以人和自然的關係為核心。在好萊塢商業電影席捲全球市場,甚至侵蝕獨立製片空間的現實下,他不改本色,繼續當「獨孤電影大師」。他特立獨行的個性最能在「荷索吃鞋」的故事上展現:和友人打賭對方無法完成《陸上行舟》攝製過程的紀錄片,結果紀錄片完成,荷索在攝影機見證下,吞下自己的鞋子。荷索與法斯賓達、賽柏格(Syberberg)齊名﹐為二十世紀七十年代德國新電影(New German Cinema)的代表人物之一。

2010 爆裂警官 Bad Lieutenant:Port of Call New Orleans
2006 搶救黎明 Rescue Dawn
2005 灰熊人 Grizzly Man
2002 十分鐘前-小號響起 Ten Minutes Older:The Trumpet -「萬年叢林最後的神秘部落」
1982 陸上行舟 Fitzcarraldo
1979 吸血鬼 Nosferatu
1977 史楚錫流浪記 Stroszek
1976 玻璃精靈 Heart of Glass
1974 賈斯伯荷西之謎 The Enigma of Kasper Hauser
1972 天譴 Aguirre, the Wrath of God

1968 生命跡象 (Lebenszeichen)-柏林影展銀熊獎
1974 賈斯伯荷西之謎 (The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser)-坎城影展評審團大獎
1979 吸血鬼 (Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht)-柏林影展金熊獎提名
殺人狂 (Woyzeck)-坎城影展金棕櫚提名
1982 陸上行舟 (Fitzcarraldo)-坎城影展最佳導演獎
1997 小小迪特想要飛 (Little Dieter Needs to Fly)-阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展評審團特別獎
2005 灰熊人 (Grizzly Man)-日舞影展紀錄片特別獎
2005 藍色狂想 (The Wild Blue Yonder)-威尼斯影展國際影評人獎

Werner Herzog (born Werner Herzog Stipetić;[1] 5 September 1942) is a German film director, producer, screenwriter, actor, and opera director.

He is often associated with the German New Wave movement (also called New German Cinema), along with Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Margarethe von Trotta, Volker Schlöndorff, Hans-Jürgen Syberberg, Wim Wenders and others. His films often feature heroes with impossible dreams, people with unique talents in obscure fields, or individuals who find themselves in conflict with nature. As a recurrent theme, his films usually explore the contradictions and limitations of Western society.

Herzog and his films have won and been nominated for many awards. Herzog's first major award was the Silver Bear for his first feature film Signs of Life (Nosferatu the Vampyre was also nominated for Golden Bear in 1979). Most notably, Herzog won the best director award for Fitzcarraldo at the 1982 Cannes Film Festival. On the same Festival, but a few years earlier (in 1975) his movie The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser won The Special Jury Prize (also known as the 'Silver Palm'). Other films directed by Herzog nominated for Golden Palm are: Woyzeck and Where the Green Ants Dream. His films were also nominated at many other very important festivals all around the world: César Awards (Aguirre, The Wrath of God), Emmy Awards (Little Dieter Needs to Fly), European Film Awards (My Best Fiend) and Venice Film Festival (Scream of Stone and The Wild Blue Yonder).

In 1987 he and his half-brother Lucki Stipetic won the Bavarian Film Awards for Best Producing, for the film Cobra Verde.[9] In 2002 he won the Dragon of Dragons Honorary Award during Kraków Film Festival in Kraków.

Herzog was honored at the 49th San Francisco International Film Festival, receiving the 2006 Film Society Directing Award.[10] Four of his films have been shown at the San Francisco International Film Festival: Wodaabe - Herdsmen of the Sun in 1990, Bells from the Deep in 1993, Lessons of Darkness in 1993, and The Wild Blue Yonder in 2006. Herzog's April 2007 appearance at the Ebertfest in Champaign, IL earned him the Golden Thumb Award, and an engraved glockenspiel given to him by a young film maker inspired by his films. Grizzly Man, directed by Herzog, won the Alfred P. Sloan Prize at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival. Encounters at the End of the World won the award for Best Documentary at the 2008 Edinburgh International Film Festival and was nominated for the Academy Award for Documentary Feature, Herzog's first nomination.






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